Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
The image with toilet paper, toilet, paper, white, bathroom Al1962 - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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roll (rōl)v. rolled, roll·ing, rolls v.intr.1. To move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.2. To travel or be moved on wheels or rollers: rolled down the sidewalk on their scooters.3. To travel around; wander: roll from town to town.4. a. To travel or be carried in a vehicle.b. To be carried on a stream: The logs rolled down the cascading river.5. a. To start to move or operate: The press wouldn't roll.b. To work or succeed in a sustained way; gain momentum: The political campaign finally began to roll.6. To go by; elapse: The days rolled along.7. To recur. Often used with around: Summer has rolled around again.8. To move in a periodic revolution, as a planet in its orbit.9. To turn over and over: The puppy rolled in the mud.10. To shift the gaze usually quickly and continually: The child's eyes rolled with fright.11. To turn around or revolve on an axis.12. To move or advance with a rising and falling motion; undulate: The waves rolled toward shore.13. To extend or appear to extend in gentle rises and falls: The dunes roll to the sea.14. To move or rock from side to side: The ship pitched and rolled in heavy seas.15. To walk with a swaying, unsteady motion.16. Slang To experience periodic rushes after taking an i