Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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twist (twĭst)v. twist·ed, twist·ing, twists v.tr.1. a. To wind together (two or more threads, for example) so as to produce a single strand.b. To form in this manner: twist a length of rope from strands of hemp.2. To wind or coil (vines or rope, for example) about something.3. To interlock or interlace: twist flowers in one's hair.4. To make (one's way) in a tortuous manner: twisted my way through the briar patch.5. To cause to rotate or turn in another direction: twisted their heads around at the sound of the doorbell.6. To impart a spiral or coiling shape to, as by turning the ends in opposite directions: twisting wire into a loop.7. a. To turn or open by turning: twisted off the bottle cap.b. To pull, break, or snap by turning: twist off a dead branch.8. To wrench or sprain: twist one's wrist.9. To alter the normal aspect of; contort: twist one's mouth into a wry smile.10. To alter or distort the intended meaning of: The cross-examiner twisted the words of the witness. See Synonyms at distort.11. To alter or distort the mental, moral, or emotional character of: The trauma twisted the child's outlook.v.intr.1. To be or become twisted.2. To move or progress in a winding course; meander: The river twisted toward the sea.3. To squirm; writhe: twist with pain.4. T