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Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters

These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.

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whip  (wĭp, hwĭp)v. whipped also whipt, whip·ping, whips v.tr.1. To strike with a strap or rod; lash: whipped the horse with the reins.2. To afflict, castigate, or reprove severely: For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure (Ralph Waldo Emerson).3. To strike or affect in a manner similar to whipping or lashing: Icy winds whipped my face.4. To arouse or excite, especially with words: whipped the audience into a rage.5. To beat (cream or eggs, for example) into a froth or foam.6. Informal To snatch, pull, or remove in a sudden manner: He whipped off his cap.7. To sew with a loose overcast or overhand stitch.8. To wrap or bind (a rope, for example) with twine to prevent unraveling or fraying.9. Nautical To hoist by means of a rope passing through an overhead pulley.10. Informal To defeat soundly: Our team can whip your team.v.intr.1. To move in a sudden, quick manner; dart: whipped out to the airport.2. To move in a manner similar to a whip; thrash or snap about: Branches whipped against the windows.n.1. An instrument, either a flexible rod or a flexible thong or lash attached to a handle, used for driving animals or administering corporal punishment.2. A whipping or lashing motion or stroke; a whiplash.3. A blow, wound, or cut made by
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See also these pixwords answers:
woman, therapy, massage, yellow, flower Kurhan - Dreamstime
beaxch, resort, bed, relax, trees, water, sea Micha Rosenwirth - Dreamstime
man, woman, wife, chair, beer, talk Caraman - Dreamstime
radar, sky, blue, antenna Pindiyath100 - Dreamstime
table, plate, desk, wood, old, antique Cheng Mao (Maocheng)
woman, ice cream, ice cone, happy, smile, person Arne9001

Replies PixWords was created to help you when you get stuck on a word. You have the option to search by the number of letters in a word, the author of the image, or words that come to your mind when you look at the picture.
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