Pixwords Answers » 9 Letters
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dif·fer·ent (dĭf′ər-ənt, dĭf′rənt)adj.1. Unlike in form, quality, amount, or nature; dissimilar: took different approaches to the problem.2. Distinct or separate: That's a different issue altogether.3. Various or assorted: interviewed different members of the community.4. Differing from all others; unusual: a different point of view.adv. In a different way or manner; otherwise: Carol ... didn't know different until Elinor told her (Ben Brantley).[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin differēns, different-, present participle of differre, to differ; see differ.]dif′fer·ent·ly adv.dif′fer·ent·ness n.Usage Note: The phrases different from and different than are both common in British and American English. The British also use the construction different to. Since the 18th century, language critics have singled out different than as incorrect when used before nouns and noun phrases, though it is well attested in the works of reputable writers. Traditionally, from is used when the comparison is between two persons or things: My book is different from [not than] yours. Note that noun phrases, including ones that have clauses in them, also fall into this category: The campus is different from the way it was the last time you were here. The Usa