Pixwords Answers » 3 Letters
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ear1top: a human earA. auricleB. semicircular canalsC. cochleaD. cochlear nerveE. Eustachian tubeF. eardrumG. ear canalbottom: on a pitcherear1ear 1 (îr)n.1. Anatomy a. The vertebrate organ of hearing, responsible for maintaining equilibrium as well as sensing sound and divided in mammals into the external ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear.b. The part of this organ that is externally visible.2. An invertebrate organ analogous to the mammalian ear.3. The sense of hearing: a sound that grates on the ear.4. Sensitivity or receptiveness to sound, especially:a. Sharpness or refinement of hearing: a singer with a good ear for harmony.b. The ability to play a passage of music solely from hearing it: plays the piano by ear.c. Responsiveness to the sounds or forms of spoken language: a writer with a good ear for dialogue; has an ear for foreign languages.5. Sympathetic or favorable attention: [The president] wavers between the two positions, depending on who last had his ear (Joseph C. Harsch).6. Something resembling the external ear in position or shape, especially:a. A flexible tuft of feathers located above the eyes of certain birds, such as owls, that functions in visual communication but not in hearing. Also called ear tuft.b. A projecting handle, as on a vase or pitcher.7. A small box in the upper corner of the page in a new