Pixwords Answers » 3 Letters
The image with spike, scisors, hand, cactus Uptall - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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cut (kŭt)v. cut, cut·ting, cuts v.tr.1. To penetrate with a sharp edge; strike a narrow opening in.2. To separate into parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument; sever: cut cloth with scissors.3. To sever the edges or ends of; shorten: cut one's hair.4. To mow, reap, or harvest: cut grain; cut grass.5. To fell by sawing; hew.6. To have (a new tooth) grow through the gums.7. a. To form or shape by severing or incising: a doll that was cut from paper.b. To form or shape by grinding: cut a diamond.8. a. To form by penetrating, probing, or digging: cut a trench.b. To exhibit the appearance or give the impression of: cuts a fine figure on the dance floor.9. a. To separate from a main body; detach: cut a limb from a tree.b. To separate from a group: cut a calf from a herd.c. To discharge from a group or number: had to cut six players from the team.10. To pass through or across; cross: a sailboat cutting the water.11. Games To divide (a deck of cards) into two parts, as in completing a shuffle or in exposing a card at random.12. To reduce the size, extent, or duration of; curtail or shorten: cut a payroll; cut a budget; cut the cooking time in half.13. a. To remove or delete: cut a line from a poem.b. Computers To remove (a segment) from a