Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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augerice augerau·ger (ô′gər)n.1. a. Any of various hand tools, typically having a threaded shank and cross handle, used for boring holes in wood or ice.b. A drill bit.2. a. A machine having a helical flange attached to a rotating shaft, used for drilling and boring or as a conveyor of loose material.b. The rotating shaft and flange of such a machine, considered as a single unit.tr.v. au·gered, au·ger·ing, au·gers To drill, bore, or convey using an auger.Phrasal Verb: auger in1. To descend out of control and crash. Used of aircraft and pilots.2. To pay close attention or direct one's energy; concentrate or focus: Let's auger in on the highest priorities.[Middle English, from an auger, alteration of a nauger, from Old English nafogār, auger; see nobh- in Indo-European roots.]